James Winfield.

A senior front-end software engineer in London

Heading Image for James Winfield, showing AI generated software engineers in the style of Gustav Klimt


There’s nothing especially ground-breaking here, but thought I’d display a few of the projects I very occasionally work on at the weekends…some are very unfinished! But at least you can see that I know what to ask ChatGPT.

It’s in order of newly-created first, so also least finished.


Bare bones of a project using NextJS, React, Strapi and PostgreSQL - trying to do more b/e stuff! 1% complete at most...don't judge me!



Bare bones of a new project using NextJS, React, PostGres and Vercel. Like 25% complete tops so don't judge me much.



World Of Winfield. This is my personal blog, have moved it over to using NextJS, GraphQL, React and Emotion Styled Components. Also has pipeline checks.



Random Recipe Generator - a small project that I did with the graduate at work who I was mentoring. Mostly this was just to give her practice on React and Styled Components, but also I took the opportunity to practice TypeScript and use Vite - which is lush - so speedy!



James Winfield. I decided to look for a new role a while back, to see if I could improve upon M&S (I didn't). I realised my old portfolio was OLD and ugly, so this is a headless WordPress site, using NextJS, GraphQL and React. Oh and Tailwind for the CSS...not sure I'm a Tailwind convert but good to try these things. Also has pipeline checks.



DJ Mix Of The Week - my first attempt at a headless WordPress blog from 2021. I have a few blogs and just used to use WordPress and a bit of custom PHP, but really wanted a way to use React, so I could practice for the upcoming new tech stack at M&S. So using Frontity (before I realised about NextJS) was an ideal route. Looks good too, I think?!
